Food & Beverage Case: Centralized Purchase System

With the latest web and mobile technology, the usage of ERP system has further extended to different operation workflow. Techland has helped a named local food & beverage group to establish the centralized purchase system and re-engineer their workflow. Apart from implementing the web solution and mobile apps, the purchasing process integrated with inventory and accounting system which greatly enhance the efficiency.


  • Place purchase order manually
  • Large work load for account and administration due to no. of restaurant increase
  • Short purchase cycle and cannot input information to system timely
  • Lack of timely and accurate analysis on accounting and inventory


  • Web purchase centre centralize purchasing process
  • Restaurant can place purchase order to suppliers on web
  • Stock take function for restaurants
  • Integrate with account and inventory system
  • Expenses Claim Apps integrate with accounting system
  • Provide purchase and inventory analysis


  • Paperless procurement avoiding human mistake
  • Auto-generate procurement documents by system on web to eliminate duplicate input and enhance efficiency
  • Stock take of restaurants improving inventory control
  • Expenses Claim Apps reducing account and administration workload
  • Timely and accurate analysis supporting procurement strategy
