Title: Mobile Payment – Your key to success for O2O business
Date: 2018-04-03

Recently, there are many news on the topic of mobile payment, e.g. e-wallets for taking taxi or buying food in food market. In fact, we also received a number of enquiries about electronic / mobile payment solutions for online and retail store. 

In recent years, Techland helped many clients to develop their online stores, mobile apps, and POS systems supported with different payment methods. In the past, most merchants were connected to Visa / Master / PayPal but recently they would like to connect to other payment platforms such as Alipay, WeChat Pay or UnionPay for the convenience to HK and PRC customers. Therefore, Techland has cooperated with the providers of payment gateway platform to support more types of payment solution. For more information, please contact us at 3793-6666.
