Title: SME Enhancement measures of the BUD funding will be launched on 1 August 2018
Date: 2018-07-23

SME Enhancement measures of the BUD funding will be launched on 1 August 2018. Moreover, there are new “ASEAN Programme” to support enterprises to grasp the new opportunities of ASEAN markets.

Enhancements of “Mainland Programme”:

  • Cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise increase from $500,000 to 1 million
  • The funding ceiling per project increase from $500,000 to 1 million
  • Relax the current restriction on the maximum number of funded projects from 3 to 10

New “ASEAN Programme”:

  • The funding ceiling per project is 1 million
  • Cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise is 1 million
  • Maximum number of approved projects is 10

For details, please visit the official web site: ww.bud.hkpc.org/en
