Launched in November 2016, Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) aims to support local enterprises / organization in using technological services and solutions to improve productivity, or upgrade or transform their business processes. TVP invites applications for funding all year round.

Key Features:
  • Provide funding for projects on a 3 (Government):1 (enterprise / organisation) matching basis (i.e. funding up to 75% of project amount)
  • Cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise / organization: HK$600,000
  • Up to 6 projects per enterprise/organisation

A number of Techland's customers have purchased our ERP system and IT solutions through TVP funding. Please feel free to contact us for details.

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TECHLAND is your BEST software solution provider

Good reputation, numerous successful cases in various industry
Professional R&D and implementation team, provide comprehensive pre-sales and after-sales service
Customize the most suitable solution according to customer needs

Application Procedure for TVP


Submit application with required documents (More Detail...)


TVP Committee to vet application according to the assessment criteria


Successful applicant to sign a funding agreement before project commencement


Project to be completed within 12 months and submit final report


Disburse funding

TECHLAND provides the following IT solutions